A Fully Automated 9 Stage System To Test

Cyculus is the future of device processing, taking a traditionally manual and subjective process and making it automated and objective. The technology behind Cyculus is accurate, cost effective and fast. It is a revolution for the secondary device processing market.

The Future Of Device Processing

The 9 Stages

Every device goes through a nine-step process to ensure our clients inventory is thoroughly and comprehensively assessed.


Driven through Apkudo’s platform, shipments are validated and devices prepared for entering the processing line.

Device Cleaning

Clean devices, removing loose dust, dirt, and fingerprints in preparation for moving through the automated line.

Cosmetic Inspection

Inspect and identify any damages, assigning a cosmetic grade based on your specified grading criteria.


Check device displays for defects such as dead pixels, light leakage, screen burn-ins, and other defects.


Test single-touch and multi-touch functionality of devices via an automated stylus.

Cameras, Charging & Sensors

Check front- and back-facing cameras, device hardware keys, and gyroscope and accelerometer sensors.


Test speakers, microphone, wired charging, and headphone jack functionality.

Data Clearing

Sanitize and validate data erasure for up to 52 devices at a time.


Add a protective film or place the device into a protective poly bag for storage.